Merchandising Tests

Sale Countdown Clock

I designed a countdown clock to live in the daily promo spot to generate urgency; Results showed lifts to New Customer Acquisition, Conversion Rate and Time on Site.

Today Only Callout

During special flash sales, this graphic treatment next to the Price was meant to highlight urgency and improve conversion; Results showed a 35% lift to New Customer Acquisition and Conversion Rate.

Product Image Badging

Badging items (ie. Hot Seller!) helps minimize indecision by drawing attention to hand-picked or bestselling items; Results showed a 32% lift to Conversion Rate.


PRODUCT DETAILS PAGE: Badges are also applied here for consistency and a more seemless experience

All Badges - some highlight product features like "Organic" and some call out attributes like "Great Gift".

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Aug - Nov 2013

SCOPE:  Ideation, creative assets, build and execute tests, analyze findings

I used a 3rd party testing platform (Monetate) to roll out various tests designed to encourage buyers to convert.

Outcome: These kinds of tests generally perform well. The key is to design with usability in mind, so users who are not as motivated by sale messaging do not get distracted or turned off.

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