Cart Upsells Program

The 2-item upsell in Cart (the baseline).

Phase 1: 6 item upsell

Phase 2: 4 item upsell (The winner)

Phase 3: Targeted Upsells

For the next iteration, I wanted to do targeted upsells showing a similar or same product type, instead of the traditional "funny t-shirt". For example, if the user added a Mug to cart, offer a bestselling mug in the upsell. If the user added a maternity shirt to cart, upsell a baby onesie. Outcome: Upsell sales dropped. The best performing upsells on CafePress were indeed the broadly appealing funny t-shirts. Occasionally a certain slice of the test did well (like the maternity pairing) - but otherwise it was clear the kind of upsell that resonated best.


Aug - Dec 2013

SCOPE:  Ideation, build and execute tests, creative assets, analyze findings.

My hypothesis was that showing a greater variety of upsells would increase the likelihood of purchase, thus increasing the site's AOV.

PHASE 1:  Test our standard 2-item upsell against 6 items. Outcome: Flat / No change.

PHASE 2:  Test the standard 2-item upsell against 4 items (but a carousel reveals more if the user is engaged.) Outcome: Lifts to Average Order Value and New Customer Acquisition.

Assumptions / Learnings:  The 6-item grid was likely too large, pushing the cart items below the fold and confusing a good portion of users. Less committed users may have just bounced immediately upon not seeing their items.

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